Thursday, July 31, 2008
Hoping for the last days
Now granted, some people wait until their 50's because they can't afford saving before then. And for some of us it is easier to set aside money when the kids are grown and out of the house. For others of us, the expenses just keep going on with college, helping out with the first house, grandchildren's expenses, etc. These people tell themselves they'll save enough in their 60's. And some of them can and for others the expenses for grandchildren multiply as they go off to college or try to get into the housing market. Then along comes a heart attack, a chronic disease, or something else that forces you to leave the job market and now without adequate pension funds. Not a pretty picture. I can see why you'd want to see the world end.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Family get togethers
In fact, the biggest problem I see was that I allowed the kids to play games on one of our computers. I thought I was pretty safe in that we have no games installed on any of our computers. Little did I know. Eight year old Michaelson promptly connected to the Internet and web sites that have hundreds of free games. From then on it was a struggle to keep them from the computer when they were home and in between activities. That computer will just have to be "temporarily disabled" during the next visit.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Whole lotta shakin goin on
Monday, July 28, 2008
Getting together at Grandma's house
They did take time out to admire the Lego toy sets that the boys bought and Ben got for his birthday. Then it was wild time again.
Plans for the day include Fairy Tale Town and lots more cousin interaction.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Circus - Schmircus
This old grandpa can hang up his stage shoes now. I have more than adequate coverage with two grandsons who can take over quite nicely, thank you. Tim and Jacob Loveridge completed their summer acting camp with a play with the unlikely title of Circus - Schmircus, not unsurprisingly written especially for this handpicked crew. If you enlarge the picture and look carefully at the person on the absolute right (your right) you will see the unbelievable Jake and about fifth from the left (your left) is the unperterbable Tim.
As in prior years, they divided the kids into three teams which were more workable as well as easier for the kids to get to know each other. From the way Edward talked to other parents the night we went, it appeared that some parent bonding went on as well.
This is Tim's group. He's on the back row l ooking like he's a bit shy. But you couldn't tell it by the way he belted out his lines as well as the songs they sang.
Several of the other parents remarked during the show as well as during the intermission and end just how much they enjoyed Jake's antics. One man remarked he felt he got his entire admission's worth just by watching Jake. And apparently the director was constantly battling for control as Jake was a such a natural "director". He was just possibly impossible to control.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Carmichael Pioneer Day Celebration
Our ward's assignment for the Pioneer Day picnic was to serve the Pancake/Eggs/Bacon breakfast. Now the idea was to have people walk down either side on the outside of these two tables picking up the food as they did. Not much work for us there. Oh, we were supposed to monitor for no more than 2 pieces of bacon, 2 pancakes, 1/2 banana, small grouping of grapes, small scoop of scrambled eggs, etc.
Since our boys had been enjoying all the games and treats such as the sno-cones while we were working, they were quite anxious to go home as soon as the breakfast serving stopped. But it was a fun morning.
Friday, July 25, 2008
God is Not Great - book review

Early on in the book, Hitchens describes an encounter between religious talk show host Dennis Praeger and himself in which Praeger asked the question: "You are in a strange city. Night is coming on. A large group of men approaches you. Would you feel more safe or less safe if you knew these men were coming from a prayer meeting?" It sounded like Praeger really expected the prayer meeting to be the kind that Praeger would hold but this isn't what the problem states. And Hitchens easily answers less safe with just a few cases, namely Belfast, Bombay, Beirut, Belgrade, Bethlehem, and Baghdad. I'm sure you recognize at least half of these vacation destinations as ones that warn visitors (if any) that there may be civil disturbances.
He proceeds to describe how religion impedes the progress of science and discovery of natural law, how it took the Catholic church hundreds of years to apologize for persecuting Galileo. And while the religious right continue to debate intelligent design, real biologists are using Darwin's Theory of Evolution to predict and design new organisms that may be the next wave of health care solutions. Hitchens takes an extremely hard line that religion isn't just a harmless waste of time but that it is a nefarious, irrational, poison that corrupts everything it is involved with. Give Hitchens any example of religion doing good and he will counter with an example of how more or better good would have been done had religion not interfered.
I found the book compelling but not as well organized as some of his earlier works. It's as if he has a few loose ends to tie up or some arguments from previous books that he has done more research on and now wants to publish. Definitely a good book for those who want to know more about the thinking of an intellectual atheist.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Santa Cruz Adventure - Day 3 - Kickback day
When the group finally agreed we were all too tired and crabby to take in one more store, life threatening ride, or even more sand and water, we decided we'd head home while it was still dark and before anyone got killed.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Hotel Experiences - Hilton
This time the quirk was that one of the rooms got a complimentary continental breakfast while the other one did not. Thus we had four free continental breakfasts and 8 hungry people. There was also no room to eat once you picked up some food. Carolyn convinced the breakfast supervisor to bring us two trays and four plates. She started piling fruits and yogurt on her plates while I did the same for the pastries. Soon there was more food on our trays than on the breakfast bar and people coming to eat breakfast were starting to pick food off our trays.
As you might imagine, 8 people, half of them children, could easily clear off the plates and still be hungry for more. At least it bought us time to get a real break or take an early lunch.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Santa Cruz Adventure - Day 2 - Garden of Gilroy

The kids were all keyed up for the place and it was about all we could do to direct them in the general direction of the next attraction we wanted to take in. Along the way Michael managed to skin his knees. For a while there we had one very sad boy who thought the day was done for him, he'd have to join Grandpa in a wheelchair. We asked an employee where the First Aid was located but she got on her radio and within 10 minutes this young man with all the necessary bandages and lotions appeared and took care of Michael's real problems. His imaginary problems persisted throughout the day.
Speaking of Grandpa and his wheelchair, Ed was kind enough to get a wheelchair for me. It was so nice just to sit and watch the world go by that I had to make a conscious effort to stay connected with the crowd.
While everyone else wanted an Icee, I preferred a soft ice cream cone. Bad choice. You can see how I'm desperately trying to catch all the drips but the ice cream is melting faster than I can lick it.
All in all, our family enjoyed the Park so much we were reluctant to leave. That meant that by the time we made it back to Scott's Valley for dinner (since our hotel reservation was there) many of the fast food restaurants were closed. Bruno's Barbecue had been recommended by Steve and Lisa .
We finally ended up ordering sandwiches at the local Subway shoppe.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Hotel Experiences - Quality Inn
We were all tired and so anxious to lay down, eat, or use the small pool at this small motel that the whole group swarmed into the office. That was probably the worst thing we could have done. The person in charge said, "This is not right. You need to check out more rooms. You have at least 8 children here and you only have2 rooms reserved. The legal limit is 4 people per room. "
We argued that we only had 4 children, 4 adults, and a baby, which shouldn't count against the limit. The clerk repeated that we needed at least 3 rooms. There didn't appear to be any negotiating room. The Manager did offer us the the number of the Quality Inn customer service person but Grandma felt we needed to resolve the issue quickly. That was easily done by renting another room at the approximate cost of $135
That was an unexpected expense but it was also an unexpected benefit. We had the four older boys (certainly not the baby) in the center room while Tiffany and Ed took the adjoining room on one side while Grandma and I took the room on the other side. Technically, we were supposed to have a supervising adult in all three rooms but the managers never insisted on that.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Santa Cruz Adventure - Day 1 - Trains, Beaches, & Boardwalks
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Burning Book - book review

Burning Book is primarily a photography book as Burning Man is primarily a visual experience. The Bruder gives you the feeling of being there, or having the burning sun always around you, the hoards of naked and near-naked bodies, the sand covering everything after jut a small breeze. Although it can't possible do justice to a week-lonjg event, the book should be mandatory reading for something even thinking of going. It is fair and balanced and the closest thing you'll ever get to a mans landing on the moon.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Old entertainment is still fun
It appears to me that you have to have a critical mass before something becomes enjoyable or enticing. The Little Rascals, for example, have no laugh track although they are filmed as though a live audience were watching. When one or two of our grandchildren watch them, they are qu ickly bored. But when four or five are watching, especially if some of them have seen them before, it quickly becomes a mad house at our house.
Of course the recent event at our house has been Michaelson and Ben spending several weeks with us, enough time to get bored with the usual games and toys but not enough to go outside and ride bikes or play Zim Zam yet. The solution is to watch some videos. While Tim and Jake are in stage summer camp memorizing their lines, Ben and Michael are memorizing whole dialog segments of the Little Rascals episodes. Then when they do get together, it can be quite hilarious as they try to outdo each other.
Carolyn and I are even enjoying seeing some of the old classics again and watching Grandpa fall head over heels for Hayley Mills all over again.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Suspected Deep Vein Thrombosis
I obligingly took off my shoes and socks so that when the doctor asked "what is the problem?" all I had to say was "my feet and legs". He looked and then spent the next 10 minutes writing up my condition, scoring an assessment of probability of DVT, then finally putting together an information and treatment package to rule out DVT. Then, on the chance that it is something else, he had to write up a treatment plan for that something else. The part that scared me was the part that said, "If your ultrasound test is positive, go to the Infusion Center if it is open, otherwise go to the emergency room to begin infusion treatment." They also said there was a possibility I would have to be hospitalized based on what the ultrasound showed.
What the medical staff were saying in so many words was that I had a high probability of having a blood clot in my leg. A clot in a leg is not really a problem. A clot that breaks loose and drifts up to the heart, the lung, or the brain can be fatal or very disabling. The doctor was appalled that I was doing vigorous exercise with my swollen leg this past month.
Of course, I still had care of the boys and needed to get Carolyn to take over for this afternoon.
Fortunately, my tests turned out negative so no hospitalization was necessary for me this time. I do have two new medications and a suggestion that I keep my legs elevated whenever possible. I guess we'll see if that makes any difference.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Bookbinding 101 - unit project
"Easy Steps for Little Children", is a book of bible stories that I grew up listening to and reading. But the book became so damaged that we put it away. I'd like to get it in good enough shape to share it with my kids and grandkids.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Google Reader -Checking the blogs
With so many friends and family members blogging now, I’m finding it just a bit difficult keeping up with all the blogs. And checking someone’s blog only to find it the same as the last time I checked is almost as frustrating as getting halfway through the latest post before realizing that it is an old post.
Well, I found the answer -- Google Reader. It's an "In Box" for all your blogs. You may find it more trouble than it’s worth but I found that all the effort I put into it paid off the first day.
First, you must be a Google “member”. If you’ve ever used gmail or customized your Google screen, you are already a member. Even if you aren’t, registering to be one isn’t very difficult. You have to provide a valid email address and a password (which shouldn’t be the password you currently have to access your email). That is it! There are a couple of optional choices but this is all that is required.
Open Google Reader by entering the url If you already have a Google Account, enter the email and password for that Google account. If not, click on “Create an account” and proceed to get one. Then sign in with that account. (You may be sent a verification to the email you entered so it does need to be a valid one that you have access to.)
This is the Google Reader screen. You can take a tour of it’s power or start adding subscriptions to web sites and blogs you want to visit regularly. At this time use the Add Subscriptions link on the left hand side of the screen. Note that as you add each blog url, it will show up with the current entries of that blog. Whenever you return to Google Reader, you will see all the current entries of all blogs you subscribe to.
Or you may see the notice “You have no unread items.”. You can now read only the new items or know that you’re caught up to date. Now isn’t that a quick way to check all your blogs?
You can make it even easier by customizing your Google page. Then you can select Google Reader as one of your customize items. And setting up the itemized Google Page as your normal Home Page means that you can always keep track of your blogs and know when a new items item is posted by any of the blogs you subscribe to.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Ben and accordion
When it was being discussed about Ben and Michael staying with us for most of the summer, Carolyn got together a list of "100 Things to do with Grandma and Grandpa" - sort of a "bucket list" for Ben and Michael. One of these items was "learn to play the accordion". Accordingly, we got out the old accordion and gave it a few squeezes to see if it still played. Surprisingly, the only problem seemed to be the highest note on the piano side was stuck. Loosening the sidewall with a handy kitchen knife solved the problem.
Not so easily solved was fitting the accordion to Ben. I think if Ben were seriously interested in learning to play the accordion he'd want to rent a small "starter instrument" that is less than half the size. It has enough keys to play through half the method pieces I have.
The other "not so easily solved" problem is finding a place or an audience where playing the accordion would be welcomed. The only places I know anymore are in the Lawrence Welk orchestra and in a Zydeco bank.
Another family blogger
Welcome, Lee!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
But it's just an LWP (little white pill)
Like most of us, Carolyn is great at self-medicating (with legal drugs). After all it's very clear on the label what a pill is for. Right? Well, a while ago her heartburn got too frequent for Tums or Mylanta so the doctor upped her Omeprizole prescription to twice a day. But that wasn't quite enough. Then she remembered some "little white pills" that she had been prescribed early in her myasthenia diagnosis. They were to control nausea if that became a problem with the myasthenia medications. That never happened so she stopped taking them and ended up with a large stash of LWP's.
During this latest bout (yesterday) she tried them again after the Omeprezole, Mylanta, and Tums weren't doing the job. At first she couldn't tell if they helped or made things worse. She was outside helping Edward chop down some tree branches when her heartburn and nausea got really bad (8 on a scale from 1 to 10). Fearing a possible heart attack, Carolyn went down like a punctured tire. Plans for the rest of the day were canceled or at least shelved. With Ed and Tiff taking over Ben & Michael, I drove Carolyn to the E.R.
After 2.5 hours we got a diagnosis that was far from definitive. Rather than a heart attack they did find a urinary track infection but her symptoms still exceeded that cause. In reviewing all the medication she had been prescribed. the advice nurse began to think that it really was the LWP.
So while the rest of you were enjoying the beach, the mountains, or just a good movie, we got to enjoy the Sacramento Kaiser ER.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Example 1: We received a wedding invitation today with the usual picture of the smiling bride and groom in informal dress and even less formal settings but with the image of the temple as one of the montage of pictures. Enclosed in the envelope is the request to Please RSVP [sic]
including the number of guests in your party.
Donny and Brooke are registered at
Target, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and Circuit City
I'll bet they get more RSVP's than most couples do.
Example 2: I had a visit with my speech therapist a couple of days ago. She prescribed a set of exercises for me to do daily and handed me 3 or 4 copies of the worksheet she recommended I use to track my progress and compliance. She asked matter-of-factly, "Do you have access to a copier." I replied even more matter-of-factly, "Can you get me an electronic version of the worksheet. Then I can print as many as I need (and even make improvements)." The last part being unvoiced. I don't think we would have had that conversation even 5 years ago.
Friday, July 11, 2008
The END of the WHAT???!!!
This particular insight came when I was fiddling with Google Reader, a really nifty program for putting all the new posts from your favorite blogs right on your home page. I got Google Reader to work properly and we can even configure it so that Carolyn and I can look at different blogs.
So I'm blissfully trying it out reading blog after blog when my screen goes blank save for the following message:

Congratulations, you've reached the End of the Internet .
Linking to the End of the Internet brings up the following message:
The End of the Internet
Congratulations! This is the last page.
Thank you for visiting the End of the Internet. There are no more links.You must now turn off your computer and go do something productive.
Go read a book, for pete's sake.
All I can say is it takes a lot of chutzpah to claim your URL as the End of the Internet.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
It's only air
The main cause of the bad air quality is all the fires in area surrounding Sacramento. I will admit, I'd rather be handling their bad air than have our house or fields go up in flames. Maybe all the smoky air is to help us remember those worse off than we are.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Missing bill
I recently lost one of our monthly bills. I know we had received it and I had opened and looked at it remarking to myself that it was slightly lower than usual. And that's the last I remember seeing it. I would have completely forgotten about the bill except that my Microsoft Money program reminded me that the bill was coming due.
I looked and looked and couldn't come up with it. I was ready to just pay the same as the month before which should more than cover it when Carolyn suggested going online and printing a duplicate of the bill. So many companies are doing this now that it seemed almost a "duh" moment. Sure enough. I easily logged into the company, printed out a new bill to replace the lost one, and paid the bill using Money as I always do. No more crying over lost bills.
Have I ever said how much I love the Internet?
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Jillian's math "homework"
Monday, July 07, 2008
Builders of the future, and the present
And for Ben's birthday, grandma and grandpa got this this fascinating piece.
Most of all when they have extra time you can find them building onto these Lego pieces or demolishing them to be rebuilt.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
A triple-header!
- I turned 64 today
- My oldest grandson Ben turned 11 today
- My youngest grandson Camdan was blessed in church today
- Our beloved leader President George W. Bush celebrated his 62nd birthday today by traveling to Japan aboard Air Force One.
Another welcome to blogging
Welcome, Julie.
Welcome to blogland
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Jury Duty
According to the Summons, Sacramento County, like most, if not all, California courts uses the "one day or one trial" system for juror's. That means that if you sit in the jury room for one day and don't get called onto a jury, you're excused. You've filled your duty for another year. However, if you get called onto a jury, you're stuck until that trial ends. I was rather thrilled that my week of service was only a four day week.
When the initial notifications came out, I saw that there were about 49 groups this week and about a fourth of the groups were assigned to s how up Monday morning, another fourth on Tuesday morning, another fourth to check back on Tuesday evening, and the fourth that I was in to check back on Wednesday evening. That meant I was definitely free for Monday through Wednesday I had a low enough number that I expected to be released Wednesday evening. Instead, the group I was in was told to check back on Thursday evening!! I couldn't believe they were trying to hold us in reserve for the holidays.
Late Thursday afternoon, I checked and found we were finally released and they had already posted the next week's groups. I missed out for this year!
Friday, July 04, 2008
Happpy Birthday, America!
We had invited several friends from the church over for a pancake breakfast. That started the day off really well. They didn't stick around but left to celebrate the

Thursday, July 03, 2008
Senior Nutrition Services
At Orangevale there was a small lunchroom with seating for maybe 12. Before April 1, the food delivery truck dropped out meals for 3 Meals on Wheels routes of 8 to 12 meals each and another 8 to 10 meals for the lunchroom on site. From the few times that I finished my route before the lunchroom crowd finished eating, I wasn't impressed. It was crowded, institutional looking, and generally uninviting.