Thursday, June 25, 2009

Any more stealth blogs out there?

My wife discovered quite by chance that a nephew-in-law of ours has been publishing a blog for some months now. And I didn't KNOW it! I guess I should have known to inquire simply because several others in the family publish a blog and he has great writing skills.

I'm not sure what the reason is in this case but I am surprised that some people want to write but don't want people to read their work. It's almost like sit would be prideful to call attention to your own work but if someone stumbles upon it, it is okay. We certainly don't treat visual or performance art that way.

So if you didn't know he had a blog already, visit The Swamp hosted by Shrek (an aptly chosen handle).

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, we didn't mean to be secretive!! Bill started the blog so that his parents could see what the grandkids are up to, but it's not updated as often as it should be. Thanks for checking up on us! We'll try to keep things more current.....
