Well, the team of Carolyn Loveridge & associates have pulled off another great party. Her official "associates" are the ward Activities Committee but Carolyn pulls in representatives from all organizations or even those walking by at the right time. "Sara-Beth, you and your husband would like to use your fabulous clown costumes and hand out prizes to the kids, don't you?"
If you'd like to see more pictures of the event (taken by a real photographer) go to http://www.aaronklapheck.com/pictures_upload/Aaron_Klapheck/Events/La_Sierra_Ward/La_Sierra_Halloween_Party_2009/
Some folks got to the church early so they could get a front row seat and not miss any of the festivities.

Some got there early because they take a little longer getting anywhere these days. Carolyn as a "Newsie" is shown here helping me - Superman. I should have gotten the prize for Irony - Superman with a walker!!

Others got there early to make sure they were ready for the kids.

A ouple of the early arrivals try out some of the games without worrying about competition.

And some got there early and just had to wait and wait... and wait........

Of course the kitchen crew under the expert direction of Karen managed to get everyone fed in record time and without running out of anything.

Well, we did run out of Carolyn's famous "Witch's brew" (root beer) and had to set out non-vaporous lemonade toward the end of the evening.

This little girl was somewhat surprised seeing me in a Superman costume very much like hers. And superman was using a walker just like her mom.

Usually women get upset if someone else at the party dresses like they do but somehow this trio of kitties looked planned:

We had a nice visit from Che Gueverra who seemed to want to hang around Groucho Marx. Wrong Marx, Che!

Snug as a bug in a bug's costume is about the most you dare say about this little fella. A winning costume in the insect category.

Glen had to get down on the children's level to help with this game. It was ring toss with a twist - the targets were all witch's hats!

A backup overflow eating area allowed people to eat without having to hurry off and without having to listen to some rather joyful noise.

Little Camdan enjoyed the nachos but wasn't sure about the spicy cheese.

SaraLynne and her friend Megan show off what wonderful things can be done with some talent and a sewing needle.

All in all it was a great party. Some attendance estimates were in the 160 give or take 10 people. It was pretty hard to count the little kids because they moved rapidly and in random directions.
Here are three kids who definitely enjoyed the evening - 3 of my grandkids. Jake as Inspector Gadget; Tim as Voldemort (he who must not be named); and Camdan as Curious George who isn't at all curious about what he ws dressed in this evening.