Wednesday, January 20, 2010

And the floods came down

I think it was about 15 years ago when we lived in Long Beach.  We were sent home from work early because of predicted heavy storms.  I had to park my car about half a mile from home it was flooded so much.  Well, Long Beach was again hit with heavy rains yesterday.  Check out the pictures at About the only difference is the rain fell later in the day 15 years ago so it was harder to see just how deep the water was especially in the intersections. 

Here's a couple of pictures of my son Lee paddling his inflatable raft along his street.

I'm surprised he didn't get his picture in the paper, also.


  1. That is crazy!!! You're not suppose to be able to PADDLE down your street. I hope you all are doing alright and that you're safe. Keep us updated!

  2. We are fine in Long beach. The white car in the photo is a little stinky from the water, but we may have it all aired out now. It was inconvenient for a total of maybe 6 hours. I wouldn't trade our location for much.
