Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Not always a pack rat

I've gotten a reputation, among our kids at least, of being a pack rat in the sense that when I am no longer using something I will often save it as a "backup" rather than discarding or recycling.  For example, when I put together a chest of drawers and have an extra screw or a pair of drawer gliders left over I will "save" them in our junk drawer on the chance that I'll need these parts in the future. 

Just for the record I'm not always a pack rat.  For Christmas Carolyn and I bought ourselves a telephone system to replace the hodge podge of equipment that we been using.  And I'll admit that I was tempted to hold onto our old equipment.  Tempted, that is, until I realized that some of it could benefit my bookbinding mentor Pat.  Pat's shop is about 50 feet from his house which makes it inconvenient to run into the house to catch a phone call.  He can't afford the ongoing charges for a phone company extension or answering machine.  Among our surplussed equipment was an answering machine as well as a base and satellite unit.  I took the equipment to Pat yesterday in hopes that it would work for him.

Pat called me today so excited that he could receive and make calls from his workshop, something he has wanted to do for years.  The answering machine will be useful when he can't get the phone even in his shop.  Now if I could just find someone who wants a 9 year old electric shaver.

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