Monday, January 04, 2010

The beginning of an end

I dropped off a bundle of 30 envelopes this morning at the post office glad they're on their way and wondering if this is really this last time I'll be sending them.  No, they weren't Christmas cards.  I hope to be around several more Christmas's and will probably be sending some cards each year.  No, this was my annual plea for reports from the Branch Friends of the Library who need to let me know which performers they have sponsored this past year so I can prepare Misc Form 1099's for each one to which we've paid more than $600.  Because we're considered one organization including all the branches, we have to add all the branch payments together.  If 5 branches each hire the same magician for $150 his total would be $750 so we'd have to send a 1099.  The library was supposed to take over hiring and paying the performers as of July 1, 2009 which would have cut down the number getting $600 but they didn't implement the change until Oct 1.  As most of the programs occur from March to October, it's possible that I'll be sending the same as last year.  The good news is that unless the library reverses itself this really will be my last time.  And maybe that will be sufficient to encourage everyone to send their reports in timely -  ha ha ha.

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