Saturday, January 01, 2011


We slept in past 8:00 this morning.  We turned on the TV to catch a couple hours of the Rose Parade.

There have been years when most of the day would be behind us by then.  Years when at 8:00 am on New Year's Day we were in the middle of volunteering at the Holiston Methodist Church breakfast, serving people who had come to see the Rose Parade.  (We were rewarded with curbside seating to watch the parade.)  We have fond memories of serving alongside Cindy and Larry as well as not so fond memories of watching one parade in a driving rainstorm.

There have been other years when at 8:00 we were preparing a pancake breakfast at our own church, attempting to start a tradition.  That tradition was interrupted this year with the demise of the ward activities committee and we will just have to wait and see if it is revived next year or really dies.

I'm convinced that some traditions are really important, others are just good to remember.

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