Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Back to work??

One day away from the job and already I'm questioning my retirement. Oh, I love the retired part enough, I'm just not sure how the arrangement is going to work out that was suggested when I left. They want me to come back 2 to 3 days a week for particular projects that can be done on an "as needed" basis. But there's a real tendency to get caught up in whatever else is going on.

Like today, I went in to work just to drop off Thank You cards for those who had participated in my retirement party or contributed to my going away gift. But since I was there I was asked to join a meeting discussing the progress of a particular project that I thought I had turned over to others. My former boss and soon-to-be contractor contact also wanted to discuss details of the contract and get me started on some of my potential tasks. So I spent half a day at work.

However, it was also good to set up my workspace, get a key to my new office, and start getting people used to seeing me in my new role.

1 comment:

  1. I must be blocked from leaving comments as they never are on the comment sections.

    What I do have to have not truly retired yet....let us know when RC is totally gone....that is real retirement!
