Saturday, October 28, 2006

"Trunk" or treat?

One of the practices that certain neighborhoods and churches have adopted to keep alive the tradition of "trick or treat" in today's uncertain and often dangerous world is modifying the practice of going from house to house. Instead, the little kids go from trunk to trunk. The neighborhood or church group arranges cars in a parking lot in such a way that the little ones can go from car to car (or more likely RV to RV) showing off their costumes and either getting a treat or playing a simple carnival game.

The parents know who is participating and giving out the goodies and the kids don't have to walk their feet off. Everyone wins.

This year we got together at our son's house to have a little pre-party with the hope that the kids wouldn't gobble down too much candy if they had already filled up on hot dogs and potato salad.


  1. I think I recognize Tim as Harry Potter, but I'm not certain I'm even seeing Jake. (The cowardly lion perhaps?)


  2. Jake is the lion but it hasn't been determined whether he is the lion from the Wizard of Oz, Aslan from Narnia, or some other lion. He definitely is not cowardly.

  3. Oh, I didn't expect Jake to be cowardly, I just saw the medal and assumed it must be the one from the Wizard of Oz. (Post medal, after he had discovered his courage of course.)
