Sunday, June 10, 2007

Croatian Extravaganza

It sounded fantastic in the flyers - "one of California's most popular cultural and social events" and "promises good food, good entertainment, and fun for all who attend". Besides, who would not want to get better acquainted with one of the lesser-known but historically significant cultures of Europe?

The reality was a little less glowing. For a $7 admission fee you could wander the grounds of the Croatian-American Cultural Center, visit the booths of half a dozen vendors who were there to display (and sell) t-shirts, head bands, embroidered keepsakes, olive oil, etc., and listen to various performing bands throughout the day. Children (for an extra fee) could play on a couple of the blow up jump houses and slides.

Also, for an extra fee there was some wonderful food such as these pigs and lambs roasting behind the food service lines. In addition to the meat, they served what was probably the sweetest saurkraut I have ever tasted, German style potato salad, bean salad, and a type of cole slaw. The bakery offerings were tempting as well.

Although we enjoyed the food and some music, there just wasn't enough going on to keep a person entertained for more than an hour or so. Members of the Croatian community seemed to be having a great time visiting with friends and family but for us outsiders, we ran out of activities after only a couple of hours.

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