Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sacramento Jazz Jubilee 2008 - pt 2

Shellie McCall & Jim Wilkinson

One of the best parts about volunteering to work on the Jazz Jubilee is, of course, getting to know the people you work with. Sometimes, in past years we have been stuck in one assignment and haven't really had the chance to get to know everyone. This year being shift supervisors, we do a lot more wandering about, "supervising" the various assignments to make sure that things are going the way we expect.

Pam Dominguez & Ginger Wilkinson

The assignments vary. We need 4 to 6 people monitoring the doors (which means checking everyone coming in to make sure they have the appropriate badge or wrist strap for admittance into the performance rooms). Another 1 or 2 people to review the bands and the audience's response to the bands' performances. Another 1 or 2 to "count the house" and get some idea about how many have attended each concert for each band. Another 1 or 2 to order and deliver drinks to the band members and the volunteers. One to hold up the 10 minute "warning" sign so the band doesn't go too far overtime.

Bill & Nan Fellers

We're allowed a half hour lunch break sometime during our shift and usually a 15 minute break as well. Of course, in previous years we have just taken our break when told but this year we had to schedule everyone else and hope that we could get a small break sometime during the shift.

Jimmy Crumpley & Shirley Svoboda

The real excitement came at the last band to take the stage during our shift this afternoon.
We had a little warning as the people attending for the previous bank weren't leaving their chairs. And sure enough, Very few people left the room while dozens flocked in during the break. The site manager finally had to ask all the volunteers to vacate their seats for the paying customers. That wasn't enough so people had to start lining the walls. When we got so many people in the room that the site manager began to get nervous , he ordered the doors closed, letting in only small groups at a time making sure that everyone standing could be accommodated without blocking a door or exit. We had to stay for the performance just to see what all the excitement was about. The band "Tom Rigney and Flambeau" was good!

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