Monday, February 02, 2009

More than maximum?

With two degrees in Mathematics I've always felt it was the king of academic disciplines. Now I find that there is a scientific discipline positioned slightly above that of mathematicians. Physicists think they occupy that position but it is actually occupied by the advertising profession. How do I know this? There's proof right in front of my eyes.

Carolyn's vastly diminished stomach benefits from Mylanta, the antacid that kept me alive for so many years. The last couple of years that I used it, I regularly bought "Maximum Strength" Mylanta because it was twice as powerful as the regular strength but cost only about 50% more. I could take a much lower dose and still get the desired effect.

Anyway, Carolyn came home from the store this evening with a bottle of Maximum Strength Mylanta and a bottle of Ultimate Strength Mylanta which had a 25% greater amount of active ingredient for antacid. So there you go! Above "maximum" is "ultimate". Anybody care to guess what is lower than "minimum"?

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