Friday, February 13, 2009

My bubble has been burst

First of all, thanks to all of you who extended your kind thoughts and prayers concerning my recent (and hopefully now gone) illness. Except for missing 24 hours, I don't think I'll suffer any long term effects.

Second, I want to confess that I had a secret motive and motivator for starting and continuing this blog. Dooce. For those of you familiar with the blogosphere Dooce is a legend, her blog legendary. I had been reading her blog approximately 3 months more than my blog has existed. Dooce is a legend at least partially because she was fired for including co-workers' antics on her blog. Although she claimed free speech protection, her bosses claimed disruption of the workplace. There was a big blogstorm about it which gave Dooce at least 15 minutes of fame but, what's more important, thousands of dedicated readers.

I must have come just after she started advertising on her blog because there were many readers who commented about how "tacky" and "commercial" they made her blog. Her answer was "too bad, I need the money". I decided I would take my blog commercial when I got 1,000 hits a day.

Now, in the latest issue of Newsweek (the one claiming that America is now socialized) on page 19 Danial Lyons reveals some numbers I hadn't seen before. Numbers such as "bloggers who run ads earn an average of $5,060 per year"; Daniel Lyons earned $1,039.81 during one month when he had 1.5 million hits; and that Dooce takes in between $500,000 and a million. He doesn't say how many hits Dooce gets but it's easily 1,000 times my count. I get about 1,500 hits per month or 1/1000th of Lyons site so my ballpark income monthly income would come out to $1.04, barely enough to buy a candy bar.

The good news for you readers is that it may be some time before you have to wade through ads on this blog!

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