Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The case of the missing e-Mail

Before we began moving our essential programs to our faster and more powerful computer I was perhaps living in ignorant bliss but I really believed I was getting all but junk email. Then, in the process of moving computers, we temporarily used an email program that transferred email from our ISP (Surewest) server, told the server to delete it, and then promptly deleted the copy of the email it had just downloaded. So I know for a fact that some programs deliver 0% of your email. After several upgrades and modificatins along the way I am now getting SOME email. My question now: are we getting 100% of our email or some other non-zero percentage? And a second question: How do we find out what percentage.

I understood Microsoft Outlook to be a end user email system that looks for mail on a web mail server, retrieves that mail, sorts and delivers it locally, then directs the web server to delete it's copy. In other words, every morning before I run Outlook there should be a collection of email piling up at Surewest waiting for my login. But the few mornings that I have tried it, I've been unsuccessful at finding undelivered mail at the Surewest web mail portal.

Any suggestions out there for assuring myself that I am getting all my important e-mail or
catching those email messages that aren't getting through to me?

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