Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

What does Veteran's Day mean to you? I know for many people it is just one more holiday that happens to fall a month and a half from Christmas making it a good day to get started on your Christmas shopping. Fortunately, for others it is really a time to contemplate what we owe to our veterans.

I proudly wore the uniform of a U. S. Army officer for eight years so I consider myself a veteran but I'm glad I wasn't called upon to serve active duty. My duty was served in the Calilfornia Army National Guard 40th Infantry Brigade (mech). Unlike today's deployment, during the Viet Nam war the National Guard was seldom called up to active duty. We knew the chance was there so we performed readiness training one weekend a month and for two weeks in the summer. Try keeping up your job skills on that sort of schedule.

I think there ought to be a better way for our veterans to give us feedback about the wars they fight. I''m not advocating a change from the current civil leadership of the armed services but the people who actually are meeting and dealing with enemy soldiers. They also meet and talk with civilians on both sides of the struggle. We often hear from the generals, the top leaders but I want to hear from the little guys. What would they do if they ran the show? Just asking.

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