Sunday, March 26, 2006

The anatomy of a birthday party

It's quarter past 11 on a beautiful Saturday morning. The street is calm. The only thing indicating that something is up are three colorful balloons tied to the lamppost in front of the house.

But inside, folks are busy completing preparations such as a "design your own" drinking cup table complete with colored markers, crayons, and a collection of stickers to color and stick on your very own drinking cup.

Bags of play dough have been prepared and stacked together with cookie cutters, wooden rollers, and pattern makers.

Even a clown missing a nose has been hung for the guests (while blindfolded) to try their hand at sticking the nose where it should be. Our birthday boy is checking out all the preparations to be sure he knows what is going to happen. After all, when you're four you worry about these things.

Because the weather could turn damp and cold at any time, the air pumped trampoline has been set up in the family room. This makes a good place for the guests to gather as they arrive in ones and twos. They quickly shed their shoes and pile in. Older brother Tim monitors things to make sure no more than 3 children are on the trampoline at any one time. Grandma and Chuckie also keep a watch on things.

When most of the guests have arrived, Mom announces "Lunch Time!" and everyone sits around the dining room table for beans and franks with chips, dips, and veggies as well. A great lunch for this crowd.

After lunch there is more play time with the toys in the boys bedroom, the trampoline, and even a pinata. Then the birthday boy Jake sits down while each child in turn brings up their wrapped present for him to open.

Tearing off the paper isi one of Jake's specialties. But he also enjoys posing with each of his guests for a special picture.

After all the gifts are unwrapped the children gather around dad for a group picture. Well, it was more fun to cover dad with all the wrapping paper.

The finale is the birthday cake specifically selected by Jacob and representing his favorite movie at this time Madagascar.

Jake takes a big breath and blows out all four cancles at one time. We all cheer.

Yummy chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream make a perfect dessert for a wonderful birthday party.

The blue frosting not only tastes great but makes for a great face.

Jake gives everyone a big hug and a thank you for coming to his birthday party. Now, the hard part, waiting a whole year for the next one.

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