Monday, March 20, 2006

Pride and Prejudice - a review

We took the opportunity a couple of evenings ago to rent the latest version of Pride and Prejudice to hit the big screen. It is a marvelous chick flick which means that I loved it almost as much as Carolyn did. But I don't know that I could say it is really that much better than previous versions. It seems to be more true to the book or what I envision the book to be (since I've never read it myself) simply because the language seems dated and more appropriate to the time period. The decidedly English accents of all the characters makes it also seem more "authentic". Would I recommend it? Certainly, but be prepared for a movie with no car chases, pyrotechnics, or murder.

On the technical side of things, I struggled through the first five minutes or so and was on the verge of falling asleep when Carolyn suggested that we use the language feature of the DVD to turn on closed captioning. Although I could hear the dialogue, the combination of the accent, the overlapping voices, and my ever diminishing ability to hear higher frequencies made the movie incomprehensible to me. I felt like I was watching a foreign language film. It didn't even help much that I was quite familiar with the plot (who isn't by now?) With the closed captioning, suddenly the dialogue made sense and the movie became fun again. It definitely saved the evening as far as I'm concerned.

Now what is to become of me when the eyes start going so much that I can't read the captions? Edward suggested that when we get a large screen TV it will not be so that we get a bigger picture but rather so we can read the captions.

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