Wednesday, March 22, 2006

What's so hard about obeying the law? - political rant

I'm disgusted with both parties right now. And I'm disgusted that I don't have more real choices.

The object of my disgust is the current administration which seems to feel that it's above the law and the democrats in congress who don't seem to have the courage of their convictions in reminding the president that he is not above the law. I'm referring, of course, to President Bush's deliberate sidestepping of the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. There is nothing in that act which would prevent any of the eavesdropping the President wants to do. It just makes him accountable to the judiciary for reporting what has been done either before or after the fact. And, goodness knows, if that was too difficult he has a republican controlled congress which would probably be more than happy to change the law to suit him. That's the way we do things in America, I thought. If we don't like a law, we petition congress to change it.

The other object of my disgust is the democrat side of congress who, when faced with a motion by Senator Feingold to censure the president for breaking the law, sit on their hands and act embarrassed. "Oh dear," they seem to be saying, "how will I explain any sudden act of leadership on my part?" It's enough to make me puke. Enough to make me tear up and throw away the appeal I got in the mail today from Senator Hillary Clinton for help in "electing a democratic senate". With democrats like this, why try?

1 comment:

  1. The daily show has been making fun of Democrats for that for a long time, as are some left leaning talk shows. PLEASE, stop just waiting for the Republicans to collapse!

    I remember back in the run up to the '04 election you heard the democratic leadership talking about how they didn't want another 49 state loss. I felt like, hey a loss is a loss, McGovern and Mondale (are those the right two?) at least stood up for something.
