Tuesday, March 28, 2006

One good turn deserves another...

In front of the Regional Center where I work, there is a sharp 90 degree turn in the road. It should alert drivers to the fact that they need to slow down to negotiate the turn. However, more than one driver has decided to speed up instead of slow down with the result being that he is unable to make the turn within the confines of the road.

After the last time someone did this, we were concerned enough to install concrete filled steel posts along the front of our property. The posts were painted a pleasant light green to blend in with the grass and not be a real eyesore. As you can see, they didn't stop a driver this weekend from plowing ahead. He scraped his car on the right post began pushing over a post on his left,
and ran right over the post in the middle. I can only imagine what that must have sounded like scraping the bottom of the car as he continued over it.
He still had enough momentum to shear off a young tree that we planted a couple of years ago then turn and

mow down the fire department water standpipe. When our security service arrived, the driver, still drunk and dazed was trying to figure out how to get his car back in the street. It took a tow truck to do that. We were all just glad that this occurred at 1:00 am when no one was around. And also glad that the posts and the tree slowed him down enough that he didn't ram into the building.

Until recently my office was located just behind that stone wall you see in the background. I would have had a great view of a car out of control.

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