Saturday, April 07, 2007

Camp Nauvoo

It's hard to believe but we've lived in this area for almost 6 years before participating in an official event at the Camp Nauvoo church camp. This lovely spot of land was purchased by the LDS Church in the 1960's. After some upgrading and thousands of hours of volunteer labor, the place now serves 3 Stakes for their church camp needs. It is used for fathers and sons campouts, annual girls camps, family camps, and this weekend for the La Sierra Ward campout.

Somehow Carolyn got tapped for the Friday evening fireside activities or we probably wouldn't have made it there this year either. But having accepted, she also managed to convince me and Edward and Tiffany and their boys to attend as well. Edward and his family pitched a tent and actually slept there Friday evening. I drew the line at sleeping on the ground. As it would be extremely difficult to get a trailer into the camp, let alone an RV, we drove 35 miles back home.

The fireside was a big hit. Carolyn had painstakingly put together song sheets with well-known campfire songs that selected families were asked to lead the group in singing. She also asked two of her sisters-in-law to share games that we had played at Baldwin Family camps - a newlywed type game and a team spelling game. It was past bedtime and time for peach cobbler before we even realized it.

However, we did make it back out again this morning to participate in the traditional games such as the sack race, the pancake toss, the egg toss, and the 3-legged race. We also watched Tim and Jake participate in the Easter Egg hunt with the other Primary children.

After the formal activities and while the rest of us were breaking camp and packing the cars, some of the kids enjoyed playing in the creek under the watchful eyes of their parents.

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