Saturday, April 21, 2007

San Luis Oblispo Trip - Day 5

Well, actually this entry covers the last part of Day 4 and all of Day 5. It is being posted a day late and backdated to keep it in the proper order.

We get to Southern California much less frequent than we'd like so when we do come we try to fill in all the time with visits to family. At the same time, we realize that they have lives of their own and can't just drop everything to have a get together or even to spend an unplanned hour or two just to visit with us. But we certainly appreciate the time they can and do spend visiting.

Friday evening we kidnapped Jenny and took her to Baby's R Us to buy a crib and a mattress for the baby the she and Philip are expecting next month. Gavin is still growing like a healthy baby as far as anyone can tell. We hadn't unpacked our car so we couldn't actually take delivery of the crib until the next morning although we were able to squeeze the mattress in.

After dropping Jenny and her mattress back home, we spent some time with Lee and his kids. Perry showed us their current pet rats

while Libby spent time showing us her abilities on the computer.

The next morning, with an empty SUV, we picked up the crib then dropped in for a visit with Richard and Natalie.

Nathan and RJ had to demonstrate their unique climbing abilities on the door jam. Like little monkeys.

While Carolyn and Natalie took the crib and themselves to Jenny's baby shower, us boys had to fend for ourselves. Richard select Chik-Fil-A because they have such a nice play structure, something you really need for such active kids.

Carolyn picked me up after the baby shower so we could visit Staci and her mom Suzette and Suzette's new husband Ed Ludloff. While there, Lee came over with Libby. We visited with Staci while Lee, Staci, and Carolyn worked on pulling out horse tail plants from Staci's front flower beds.

We headed back to the ancestral home to see the work of Philip and Jonathan in pulling up the old dining room flooring and to visit more with Jessica, Jon, Philip, and Jenny.

We ended the day back where we had started at Richard and Natalie's where they had coordinated a family pot-luck supper. We managed to visit with everyone and although we never spend as much time as we'd like, we hope no one felt slighted. And although we enjoyed all the visiting, it was still nice to get back to our hotel.

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