Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Letter - 2007

It's that time of year again when Carolyn promises to send out the Christmas letter if I'll write it. And I sit down at the computer wondering what will come from my fingers this time. Will it be philosophical like the 2005 letter or tongue-in-cheek like the 2006 letter? Do I keep it to the really important, life changing events of the past year guaranteeing that it will be no more than one paragraph? Or do I include every incident that we thought at the time was interesting which will probably result in a small book? Then there's the kids and grandkids. We'd really like to brag about all of them because they're so easy to brag about and, besides, everyone else brags about their family in their letter. But, on the other hand, shouldn't the kids be doing their own Christmas letter with their own bragging?

After much thought and consideration and several rewritings we finally have the Christmas letter for 2007. If this doesn't automatically load, give us a call or an email and we'll make sure you get one in the mail. Or we'll keep you on the line long enough to tell you everything that's in it.

The most important part is the message at the end wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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