Saturday, August 23, 2008

10 Best Things

Today's Blog Post has been turned over to my dear wife Carolyn:

10 Best Things About Being Home for the Hospital

10. I’m alive and feeling good (well, at least for someone who has a 12 inch line of staples down my tummy – as staple jobs go, it is great).

9. Off the waist pants that hook below the staple line.

8. Hydrocodone/acetaminophen also know as Vicodin (takes the edge off the soreness).

7. An incredibly generous visiting teacher who cleaned our house and put clean sheets on the bed – I love fresh sheets on my bed.

6. Coming home and seeing all the beautiful flowers that have been given to me during this illness. Laura had artfully arranged them on the kitchen counter. I love flowers and have a wonderful mix of potted and fresh cut. Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers.

5. Having an easy to digest dinner provided for us by dear friends. It was so nice not to have to think about what to fix but to have it all ready. I even twisted their arm a little to sit and visit for a few minutes.

4. Ignorant bliss. The final biopsy reports aren’t back from pathology yet so I’m not certain regarding the stage of the cancer.

3. The outpouring of support via visits, phone calls, cards, e-mails, thoughtful gifts, prayers and faith given on my behalf. I am completely overcome with all the support. I want you to know it is very sustaining. I feel so incredibly blessed.

2. Dr. Herr, the surgeon who doesn’t pull any punches. He is a careful and cautious doctor. He sent me home, said do what I felt like doing, get out in the sunshine, go for walks, don’t worry. He will let us know when there is something more to know.

1. I’m alive and feeling good. I’m home with my sweetheart. I can look forward to more days to live and thrive. Thank you God.



  1. Hello from an old friend in LB. I keep posted on you thru your kids here....Great news that you are now home. Think of you often!! Love to you both...

  2. Carolyn,
    Glad you're home! You've been through so much these past few years and now we hope you're done with hospitals for a long time. Arnold has been doing a great job keeping us informed as to your progress.
    By the way, the professional picture of you is beautiful!
    Love you, Nancy

  3. What a great list - thanks for sharing your space, Arnold! Those are all wonderful blessings, indeed. I'm so glad you're home, Carolyn, and it was lovely to see you on Sunday, and looking so well, too.
