Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Post-op Progress Report #9

5:00 pm, August 20, 2008

I don't remember when a half eaten bowl of soup and an empty juice carton looked so good to me. Of course the reason they looked so good was that they were on Carolyn bed table and represented he progress back to a normal diet. This morning they x-rayed her abdominal area while pumping barium contrast media into her stomach to see if all the pieces of her digestive system were hooked up and working like they were supposed to and without any leaks. The radiologist and her surgeon agreed that everything looked good to go. So her diet was changed from "nothing by mouth" to "clear liquids". According to the dietitian, the next likely step to to "liquid diet" and then "full soft foods".

You'll notice from her picture that she also has gotten rid of the nasal tube that was there to drain her stomach as needed. She is really glad to see that go. She's still on schedule for being discharged some time this weekend.


  1. Gee, she looks great, considering the circumstances. And Thin! Is she eagerly anticipating the side-benefits of an unintended gastric bypass? what better excuse to buy some new clothes...

  2. Keep the fresh air news coming! Glad to hear that things are going in the right direction. I'll tell the kids that Grandma is drinking the same juice boxes as they do.

  3. It's wonderful to hear that everything is working correctly and that she is doing well enough to have nutrients via the mouth!

  4. What wonderful news, Arnold!
