Thursday, August 14, 2008

Operation scheduled - date and time

Carolyn will be checking into the Kaiser hospital on Morse Avenue Friday morning at 6:10 am. Her operation has been scheduled for 7:30 am. It is expected to last 4 to 5 hours.

Ever the practical person, Carolyn got a new, short haircut Wednesday morning so it would be easier to handle for the next two weeks in the hospital.


  1. All her favorite foods and a good blender? Probably not.

  2. We will keep her and your fmaily in our thoughts and prayers. I just found out via Lisa's blog.

  3. We'll be thinking about you tomorrow and hope all goes well. 4 to 5 hours in OR sounds like a long time. Love you Carolyn!
    Blog us a picture of your new hair-do. Bet you look great!

  4. I love the new haircut! Of course, I'm a little biased toward shorter hairdos.
