Monday, September 15, 2008


Musclebound, now that is a phrase that I never expected to be applied to me. But this morning, as part of my ongoing treatments to mitigate or slow down the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, I met with a physical therapist who specializes in Parkinson's. She had me do various resistance type exercises at the end of which she declared that I had good muscle tone everywhere but that i might be a little musclebound in certain areas. Apparently you CAN have too much muscle if it becomes inflexible or overdeveloped. In any case, my PT Jeanine wants me to concentrate more on stretches and to actually cut down the weight training.

On a side note, both Carolyn and I have noticed that I walk much better at the Kaiser offices than I do at home or office. We're thinking that it might be easier for all concerned if I stay home and just mail in the co-payment.

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