Sunday, November 09, 2008

The big 65

Since my "normal" retirement age according to Social Security is 66 and my actual retirement age was 62.3, I had almost completely forgotten that 65 is still the valid age for enrollment in Medicare. Yesterday I got a friendly greeting in the mail from our Health Care Provider - Kaiser. It sounds like at age 65 I'll have some choices to make and, of course, the one that Kaiser is recommending includes them in the mix. By participating in Part B, Medicare will pick up Part A and Part D although they also seem to indicate that if I'm already covered under Carolyn's plan, I may not want Part B at this time. It's certainly not an expense we had planned on.

It's Part D that scares me more at this time. Right now I'm taking dopamine agonists (drugs that are supposed to stimulate my own body to increase the natural output of dopamine) but at some point I'll be switched to various types of dopamine and companion drugs. The Part D plan that works best for me know may not be the one that works with the latter medications.

That I'll need good insurance is not a question. Although I still have good mobility, it takes me several seconds to get out of chairs or cars. I often need a cane to help me pace myself. and walking for any length of time is uncomfortable or even painful. My voice is beginning to go even with all the vocal exercises my speech therapist has given me. At church today, I was able eto sing the opening hymn as loud as I wanted. My voice was there for the sacrament hymn even though it was quiet. For the rest hymn and closing hymn I couldn't get more than a squawk.

I have noticed some slight tremors in my hands but nothing that has prevented me from using a computer or playing the piano or driving a car safely.


  1. Is chosing medicare options like chosing healthcare when you are covered by an employer - open enrollment season comes once a year and if you make the wrong choice one year, you can fix it next time?

  2. That's a good question. I've never heard anyone discuss it. Off I go on a research project.

  3. Glad you are doing okay! Insurance is always one of those things that gives you a headache just thinking about. I hope your medicines keep working for you for a long, long time!

  4. Medicare's for old people, or so I thought. Now I'm looking at it, too!
