Monday, November 24, 2008

Pay library fees online

You know I'm a great fan of the Sacramento Public Library. I can't really say that it is much, much better than other libraries around the state or even those in our neighborhood. I don't have enough information to make those comparisons. But it seems like a constant stream of ideas and innovations is coming from the library to solve problems we didn't even know that we had.

The latest in this long line of innovations is the ability to pay off book fines online. For some time we've been able to reserve books and renew books online with only your library card number and a PIN of your own choosing. Now, if you have any outstanding fines, that number will be underlined. When you select that link a new window appears listing the components of that fine (book title, how long overdue, etc.) and you are given a choice to pay any or all components. You CAN'T pay a part of a fine on one book but you can exclude the entire fine on one or more books.

Currently the library accepts only Master Card and Visa. Enter your address and credit card information and click, your card is charged by the fee amount that you agreed to pay. If you entered an email address a receipt is mailed to you. Otherwise, print the window showing your payment was excepted.

Great service, Library. Keep it up.

1 comment:

  1. I need to take my kids to the library more often!
    Hey Arnold, could you please email me your address as well as your kid's addresses please? It's the magical time of year! Thanks! krandy[!at]
