Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Excitement at Sam's Club

Carolyn and I both sort of took the day off to deal with jet lag and post-vacation let down.  So for lunch we were eating a couple of slices of famous Sam's Club pizza when this little boy not more than 20 feet from us started howling inconsolably.  Of course his mother was trying to do her best to console him.  Within seconds the two of them were surrounded by Sam's Club employees including employees from the food court where all the excitement was happening to security personnel to someone who appeared to be from the  pharmacy.  Mind you, we didn't edge closer to read people's name tags.  We thought it best to keep  our distance.

What we could see was that the boy (probably aged 2 or so) had a head wound that was bleeding significantly enough to get blood all over his mother and sister.  The food court staff had fashioned ice packs and were trying to place them on the boy's head long enough to do any good.  Of course a bare ice pack is a little shocking to the skin and wasn't calming the kid down at all.

In another 5 minutes the  paramedics arrived, 5 strong.  When it was obvious that the paramedics weren't going to do anything more exciting than their entrance accompanied by sirens, people started drifting away.  We were left with the impression that the  paramedics and Sam's Club had things well under control.  Thanks, Sam's employees for a job well done.


  1. nobody likes to eat around blood

  2. The last time I split my head open I was lucky to find Jessica and John to help me get an ice pack and a towel. (It was at church.) Then by the end of church two sisters said "Oh you know we would have taken your kids so you could go to the ER." (No actually I didn't know that.)
