Monday, January 12, 2009

Volunteer Tax Aide??

I don't know what I've gotten myself into this time. One day about a year ago as I was walking out of the Carmichael library I saw a women I had gotten to know at the Renaissance Society (she and I were in a couple of classes together). I asked what she was doing and she explained that she was volunteering for the AARP as a tax aide. Then about six months ago, she called to verify that I was still interested in being a tax aide. She didn't ask, mind you, she VERIFIED. When she confirmed that I could work at the Carmichael library and could fit the hours into my schedule, I agreed. Then she explained that I would have to attend a 40 hour class in January to qualify for certification.

We had the first class session today. Taxes are BOOOORRRING. I don't know which I dislike the most - learning about the Taxwise program or learning about the tax system. I'm counting on enjoying meeting and helping the senior citizens who sign up for the assistance. Otherwise, this is going to be a one-time adventure.


  1. I think you'll be great.

  2. Taxes are boring? I never would have thought. You should see the tax seminars I attend each year for my job. Seven hours of lecture on just what has CHANGED in the tax code since last year. I wish I was kidding.

  3. When I was a VITA (volunteer income tax assistance) person we did not have to do 40 hours of training. Of course this was when I was at BYU getting two accounting degrees and we did not use a program - everything by hand back then. I forget, but there some reason I didn't go into the taxation as a profession...
