Thursday, January 08, 2009

You see what you are

Just a little follow up about the book I reviewed a couple of days ago: "Gavin's first year".

1. Jenny commented that has been having trouble lately "slurping" pictures and text from several blogging engines including Blogger. That makes it less convenient to publish but doesn't eliminate the possibility. However, I had heard from someone else that there are several competing companies to

2. I noticed as I shared the book with others that each person handled the book differently. Some noted the careful day by day organization, others the bright colors and candid poses of the photographs. Some would quickly scan the pages while others would go carefully day by day. It seemed to depend on the person's interest and skill set. A photographer spent more time with the pictures.; a scrapbooker with the page layouts. This afternoon I even share the book with the book binder who's teaching me the craft and, sure enough, he evaluated the binding and explained to me how it was put together. We see what we're trained to see.


  1. I just got my books in the mail yesterday and they were great! Except I forgot to put the front cover picture on so I'm going to order a new one for me. I had to manually input words and pictures like Jenny said for the last 2 months of my book. Kind of a pain!! Hope I can find a good place for next years that is a little easier!

  2. Thanks for your information about Blurb and Jenny's book she made for you. Her book must be wonderful! I've dabbled in this, too, with another company and made a few books of my grandparents and great-grandparents and so on. They are priceless and a great thing to pass on to the family. Never would have dreamed of being able to make such wonderful books of our own photos a few years ago.
