Sunday, October 28, 2007

Guest workers

It's become a little bit of a joke around our family that everytime someone pays us a visit, Carolyn manages to find some work for them to do around the house, around the yard, or just around town like shopping or checking out a store or tourist attraction.

So this past weekend, Steven and Lisa helped Carolyn complete her garden project.

Here Steven is backing up a wagon load of topsoil mixed with compost and vermiculite to pour back into the area where handyman Mike worked so hard last week digging out bamboo roots.

Here he's actually dumping the soil mix.

And here Carolyn's smoothing out the new soil so that it can be replanted.

I'm sad to say that I haven't been able to participate at all in this project because of the joint and muscle pain I have.


  1. Did you check to make certain your guest workers had the appropriate documents?

  2. Good one!

    Yes, all our guest workers are appropriately documented. That does mean having a VISA card, doesn't it?
