Friday, October 12, 2007

Nobel Peace Prize

I usually try not to highlight political events or my take on them but tonight I will make an exception. You need read no more of this post if that disturbs or bothers you.

I would like to add my words of congratulations to Al Gore for being awarded this year's Nobel Prize for Peace. I would also like to refer you to the article in the Washington Post today which described the sharp contrast between our war president and our peace ex-vice president. However, I think I might take issue with the statement from the Bush camp that
the Nobel Prize is nice, but the presidency is still better. "We're happy for him [Gore]," the aide said, "but suspect he'd trade places before we would."
Schoolchildren in America will remember Bush along with all the other presidents but the rest of the world will note the Nobel Prize winners at least as much.

We will never know what the alternative world would look like had Gore been declared winner by the Supreme Court but at least some significant judges think that Gore is a winner.

1 comment:

  1. still no sure how publicizing the we are ruining the world and it is causing a global crisis (no matter how true it is) a peace thing.
