Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Handmaid's Tale - book review

Another perennial favorite on the "banned books list",The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood is a chilling description of what life could be like if some anti-feminists achieved absolute power in a relatively modern society. In the 1980's it was popular to write fiction describing what America might look like if the Russians or Communist sympathizers were to take control. This story is just the opposite in that it proposes that the far right takes control in a very bloody coup in which all the members of the executive and legislative branches of the government are executed. At first the caretaker army simply maintains control. Then those in power begin imposing a quasi-religious, puritanical type of society where men have all the power, employment, and money. And women are relegated to a specific caste: wives, Marthas (houseworkers), and Handmaids whose job it is to be impregnated by the Lord of the house to give him offspring. Public hangings are routine to eliminate enemies of the state and warn potential enemies of their probable end.

I felt the book came off like a political tract being neither more creative nor artistic than the books which cautioned us about the left. And it does make a really large assumption that American values are concentrated solely at the top of our government and that the armed forces would willingly support the right in unconstitutional actions. But of course that was necessary for the story line. The theme needs a larger vehicle to be properly developed. On the other hand it is perfect for a high school or college freshman reading list.

1 comment:

  1. I remeber reading this book in college and found it very strange. I don't remember why I read it (it wasn't for a class) but I didn't feel like I really got it. Now I wonder what I would think of it now because looking back I think that the life experiences that I have had since would make it easier for me to make sense of what the author was trying to say.
