Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Black T Shirts

Our youngest son Steven, like many of us, gained a bit of weight after getting married. But he has done a marvelous job of losing the weight and getting back in great shape. In the process, he has made obsolete, several black T-shirts which were his favorite fashion statement. And I emphasize the word statement because most of the T'shirts had some sort of humorous or darkly significant message on them.

Rather than throw them away or use them for cleaning rags, Steven and Lisa are in the process of making a T-shirt quilt. Here are some of the results so far:
Lisa and Steven are shown here placing the cut out portions of the t-shirts on a green backing cloth just to get an idea of the balance of colors and sizes and themes represented by the various shirts.

This is the result - a chaotic but somehow coherrent placement of the statements Steven has worn most of his adult life.

At this point Carolyn, Steve, and Lisa refolded and placed the t-shirts back onto the backing sheet so that no green was showing. Their intention is to have a completely black background made up of the t-shirts only.

The net result is similar to the previous layout but it now ready to make quilt pieces out of each t-shirt remnant and to begin to back and sew these parts together.

Lisa holds the yardstick which Steven tries to cut the material without cutting his wife's finger off.

Unfortunately, the weekend just wasn't long enough to complete the project as well as clear away a large tree branch at Ed and Tiffany's and still get some visiting in. We'll report back when the project is complete.


  1. I don't think I've ever imagined Lisa quilting.

  2. After hearing you talk about the quilt last week, I was happy to see the pix. What a great idea! I've got a few t-shirts that I couldn't bear to give away after I outgrew them. My favorite is from Colorado, a Guindon cartoon of a man shoveling snow, with the caption, "Walk softly and carry a big shovel." Hmm, is Guindon still around?
