Friday, October 24, 2008

C-day plus 25

Several days ago, in the middle of Carolyn's first chemotherapy cycle, she was feeling so "up" so energetic and able to take on the world, that she actually told me she was seriously considering going back to work, at least on a limited basis. I cautioned her to make sure her supervision would be okay with her scaling back significantly once she did go back or even change her mind completely. Now that she's in the middle of her second cycle she is feeling like she won't be going back until the end of the four cycles she's been scheduled to take.
This time around she has much less energy and more stomach and bowel problems. She can attend events or meetings for 1 or 2 hours but anything beyond that is risky. A quick nap may be called for. She thought she had her stomach all figured out and had quit drinking milk but now she finds that even a milk-free diet doesn't guarantee no stomach problems.

She's not ready to say she's out of the woods just yet.


  1. Carolyn's amazes me how well she does with all the health issues hitting her right now. Knowing her, she'll whip this, too.

  2. We're still keeping you in our prayers.

  3. Carolyn, sounds like you may not be eating chili at the Ward party tomorrow night. We'll hope to see you there, if only for a while.
