Saturday, October 25, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Almost exactly four months ago, Carolyn surprised me with her usual Father's Day card. But this one had something else with it in the envelope - tickets to see David Sedaris and writer and comedian. The tickets were for 4 months in the future which was almost beyond my comprehension. Could I wait that long? Not that I had a choice, mind you. Sedaris was only in town for the one night.

So last Thursday evening, Carolyn and I dropped everything else we had to do and made it a date night. Neither of us had been inside the Sacramento Memorial Auditorium which, as you can see above, is an impressive building.

It is at least as impressive if not more so inside. I couldn't even imagine how many seats were set up for the performance. We had great seats on the inside aisle, row N which should be the 14th row back. In any case we had no trouble seeing Sedaris or hearing Sedaris.

Sedaris pointed out that he is very ordinary looking and most of his fans have no idea what he looks like. They've heard his routines on radio or CD and haven't a face to put with the voice. So one of his favorite things to do is to meet people and talk to them. For example, one night he asked one of the ticket taking ushers to let him do a few minutes. As he would beep the little ticket validation machine at the ticket he'd ask the ticket holder things like "How far did you have to drive to come here tonight?" or "Did you really buy these tickets yourself?" Oddly enough for someone coming to a comedian's performance the ticket holder would often give rather rude answers. Other times he's ask people what their names were and why. His example of oddball answers for this one was a Jewish couple who named their kid "Christian" because it sounded so solid and positive. Another explained to him that her son's name was pronounced "Sheee -thade" even though it was spelled shithead.

It was definitely an evening of fun. Surprisingly, he did not get very political. Probably the closest he came was in a dig at "undecided" voters who, when presented with a dinner choice of chicken or human excrement would think a moment then ask, "And how's the chicken cooked?" Oh, and he also claimed that anyone who called himself a Maverick, wasn't.

Thaks, Dear, for a wonderful Father's Day.