Monday, October 13, 2008

Eeny, meeny, miney, mo

Listening and watching the presidential debates and few (very few) TV ads, I get the feeling that the differences between the candidates is often more style and presentation than actual difference of beliefs. Of course there is also a major difference in the support structure of the two parties because the president can do very little without the support of Congress.

Anyway, for comparing candidates at the local level I've always appreciated the local newspaper running side by side columns of the candidates stands so I could pick which one I agree with. ABC News has come up with an interactive presentation of the same type for their Internet site. Click on to take this little quiz (12 or 13 statements) to see which candidate you really agree with. You might be surprised.


  1. Were you surprised by the result you got? I got pretty much what I expected... Obama on all questions but two, which were the two questions I was most fuzzy on, since I didn't completely agree with either statement.

  2. No, I wasn't surprised at my result which was also Obama. I had 3 check marks in the McCain column but it probably means that I don't completely agree with Obama.

  3. Interesting quiz! I wonder how they picked those quotes because some of them didn't make sense to us. My choice was confirmed; Randy missed his choice by one question.

  4. Who said that politicians make any more sense than the rest of us when asked for their position on something. They probably tried to use the latest or most consistent position statement or they asked each campaign to answer the question specifically for this survey.
