Wednesday, October 08, 2008

C-day plus 9

I've been lax at updating everyone on the status of Carolyn's health. This is mainly because that condition hasn't changed much - until a couple of days ago, that is. But the change looks like a bad head cold with chest congestion as well. Carolyn says she feels achy all over from her head on down. She doesn't have any pep and her favorite thing is to curl up under a stack of warm covers and take long naps. Second favorite is stretching out in our recliner with a good book. She hasn't lost her appetite but has lost a couple of pounds due to "carb dumping" a condition she thinks is more related to her stomach surgery than to her chemo.

We're not sure whether she's just caught the first cold of the fall season or if this has to do with the nasty chemicals they pumped into her. Either way, we're counting on the symptoms to ease up by the weekend.

She does appreciate a phone call or short visit (call first) but you may have to do most of the talking.

1 comment:

  1. From what I know about mom, it would be a rare strain of flu that could put her that out of it. The one good thing though is that if it is the chemo you have a good sense of how much longer it will be bad and when it will start getting better.
