Friday, October 17, 2008

Exercise - Why?

I just got back from spending a little more than an hour at the gym. My routine is such that I finish before I can get too bored. And just in case I might get bored I take along a book on a chip (also called a Playaway) or a book on CDs or if I'm really having trouble finding something, my iPod.

But I do have to ask myself, Why? Why do I do this 3 or 4 times a week? I don't really enjoy it. I'm no losing weight. I'm probably not gaining strrngth since the numbers on the weight machines aren't changing. I certainly could find other things to do with my time.

I think exercising has finally habit status in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Why? Because stretching those muscles has to feel good. Right? It is not about losing weight or gaining strength. It is about moving!!!!
